Monday, 20 September 2010

Kaleidoscope Opening Event

A huge thank you to everyone who made the opening event of the new Kaleidoscope building a great success. Thank you especially to everyone who contributed to the food and everyone who gave to our special offering on Sunday. This has enabled Kaleidoscope to not only cover our shortfall but also to buy a shed and plasma welcome screen which were extras we thought we would not be able to afford. Half way through the project we were given the opportunity to utilise a piece of land formally used by the horticultural society. This took us over budget as it incurred further planning, legal, fencing and landscaping costs. However, it has given us a wonderful outside space and thanks to your generous giving has been paid for in full.
So, once again thank you for all the prayers, practical help, sharing of expertise and finances in order to see our community blessed.

You can look back over how the project came together at


Dear all, please see the Links section on the right hand side and you should find the latest YAK, a standing order form and a gift aid declaration.

let me know if there are problems

Jonny :-)